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This super soft rabbits foot is carefully processed from our Silver Fox Rabbits right here on our farm. Silver Fox are renowned for their unique beautiful fur and colouring. After being processed each foot is sprayed with a cleansing essential oil blend before mindfully adding a unique cap and keychain with love, positivity and good intention for its owner. After the creation is complete the foot is passed through smoke of palo santo and sage and then sprayed once more with our cleansing spray to remove any negativity. Makes a perfect gift!

•Using rabbit’s feet as an amulet to attract good fortune is not as uncommon as some may think. In fact, this tradition is evident not just in North and South American folklore but is also present in Europe, China, and Africa. Its origins are not exactly known but some believe it dates back to the Celtics In Europe, the tradition of carrying the foot of a rabbit probably stems from ancient totemic beliefs that humans descended from animals, and particular tribes had their origins in specific species. A tribe worshiped its animal ancestor, and carried parts of that animal as protective totems.

The Celts, by around 600 B.C., are known to have associated rabbits with good fortune- the whole rabbit, not just the foot. According to Celtic folklore, the fact that rabbits lived in burrows deep underground meant that they were in direct communication with the gods and spirits of the underworld.

From here, it isn’t clear whether this contributed to the very modern practice of the lucky rabbit’s foot that popped up around the turn of the twentieth century in America. These Celtic beliefs did evolve somewhat, carrying over into certain other European cultures. For instance, in the 16th century, there is a work by Reginald Scot that mentions that a good way to ease the pain of arthritis was to carry around a rabbit’s foot.

* Fertility – Some carry rabbit’s feet charms with them because they associate rabbits with fertility, due to their fast-paced breeding.

* Good Fortune – The severed left leg of a rabbit symbolizes luck because rabbits are believed to be connected to witchcraft.

* Bountiful Harvest – The ancient Celts fear rabbits because of the long time they spend under the ground. But for the very same reason, they also revere the creatures for their strong connection with nature, gods and the spirits. That’s why a rabbit’s foot charm is believed to attract a bountiful harvest.

* Cleverness and Self-Devotion – Japanese mythology deem rabbits to be clever beings and as such, associate rabbits’ feet with intelligence, clarity, and confidence.

Some believe that the rabbit’s lucky foot has some connection to Easter which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. However, this isn’t true as the rabbit had been worshipped even in ancient times. It’s likely that, like many other Christian symbols this too was adopted by Christianity, possibly to make it easier for pagans to relate to the new religion and celebrating Easter (Eostre, Ostara)

Rabbit Foot Keychain

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