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Rid of, make-up, dirt, grime & pollutants for Clean, Soft, Smooth, Clear skin. Our Juniper Berry Face Cleanser is made with a All Natural Blend of Organic Castile Soap, Aloe Vera Gel, Juniper Berry, Geranium & Rose Essential Oils all Topped off with Yes, Real Juniper Berries! •Castile soap is great for all skin types it can clear Acne prone skin, calm and smooth Dry irritated skin, help clear Oily skin, it is naturally Hydrating, perfect for Mature skin and can even help those who suffer from Eczema and Psoriasis. •Geranium Oil helps to tighten and regenerate the skin to reduce signs of aging and also helps to regulate the PH levels of the skin. •Rose oil calms the skin, it acts as an astringent, has antibacterial properties and is packed with vitamin C to help in collagen production. •Juniper Berry is a wonderful natural toning agent, it detoxifies and cleanses the skin with powerful antiseptic properties to keep pores clear and reduce acne, it also acts as a natural toner, reducing the appearance of blemishes uneven skin tone & fine lines. •Aloe Vera Gel is great for both Oily and dry skin, it is calming, soothing, moisturizing, it contains antioxidants and is full of Vitamins A & C.

Juniper Berry Face Cleanser

  • Castile Soap, Aloe Vera, Sweet Almond Oil, Juniper Berry, Rose and Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 

Ember of Earth Est.2018  - Ostara Acres Est.2023

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